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Tips to Improve Your Child’s Handwriting

tips to improve your childs handwwritting

Does your child struggle with their handwriting? Printing words can be challenging to new writers, and perfecting lettering isn’t easy even for older students. Fortunately, there are effective ways to improve your child’s handwriting. Use our at-home tips to improve your child’s handwriting.

1. Practice by Working Together With Your Child

“Practice makes perfect,” as the old saying goes, and it’s true. The more your child practices forming their letters, the easier it will get. The movements will become second nature and your child will be able to write each letter more easily when they’ve done it dozens of times before.

Establish a time each day to sit down together and work on handwriting. Prioritize it as part of your routine, and sit with your child while they work to support and gently correct them. You can make the habit fun, too, by turning it into a game or using different color pencils.

2. Letter Formation Drills

You should understand what you’re teaching as you go along. Approaching your lessons with a uniform plan and encouraging your child to use the same approach each time will generate better results. Do drills with them to improve consistency and build the habit. A few exercises they can use each day include:

  • Using a dot as the starting point of the letter: The dot shows your child where to begin but won’t overwhelm them with too many directions.
  • Going from top to bottom: Letting your child start writing the letter at the top is more manageable and reduces finger fatigue.
  • Mixing in lowercase and uppercase: While the solid lines of uppercase letters tend to be easier for kids to write, you should practice lowercase handwriting just as often.

3. Multi-Sensory Exercises

Put your pencils down and try teaching other types of letter formation to help your child understand how to improve their handwriting. You can help them have fun and engage in the exercise by adding new and interesting substances to the mix. Try these exercises to engage the other senses:

  • Write letters in sand using a stick or finger.
  • Cook up some Jell-O and put it on a tray. Have your child use their finger to trace letter shapes through the dessert. (Don’t eat it at the end, though — just throw it out).
  • Go outside with shaving cream and spray a pile on an old sheet in the driveway. Let your child dip their finger in the shaving cream and then “write” the letters on the sheet or sidewalk.

4. Use Pencils or Pens With a Good Grip

Giving your child the right tools enhances their chance of success. You can buy grips to add to pencils or pens that will help your child hold onto the writing utensil more effectively. Try different grips to find one that supplies the right mix of firmness and give. Ask your child for input on the grips, and see if their handwriting changes when you switch types.

5. Utilize Professional Occupational Therapy Services

Sometimes you need more than practice exercises and shaving cream to improve handwriting. An underlying condition may contribute to your child’s writing challenges. Professional occupational therapy services can identify the root of those issues and provide treatment options that meet your child where they are.

Contact MySpot for Therapy for Fine Motor Skills

Does your child need assistance to improve their handwriting beyond these tips? If your child requires attention for a developmental delay or delay of motor skills such as writing, contact MySpot today. We offer end-to-end comprehensive pediatric therapy from birth to 21 years old, including therapy for behavior development. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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