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Archive for Parenting Tips

Nutrition and Pediatric Development: Role of Diet in Therapy

Nutrition and Pediatric Development: Role of Diet in Therapy

Kids food

Parents from all walks of life want what’s best for their children. However, it can be challenging to know what’s best when it comes to dietary and nutritional needs. Beyond ensuring your little one’s tummy is full, you must also consider nutritional intake. Optimal nutrition can prevent malnourishment and reduce the risk of developing various […]

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Mindfulness Techniques for Reducing Anxiety in Individuals With Autism

parent helping child with calming techniques
January 30, 2024

Children with autism who live with anxiety may have strong feelings of internal tension. They can feel a strain throughout their bodies, manifesting as stomach aches, a racing heart and muscle tension. Your child may have trouble expressing these feelings, which can cause meltdowns or aggressive behavior. Anxiety-reducing techniques for children with autism include minimizing […]

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7 Tips for Parents with a Child Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy

Child with cerebral palsy

The specific cause of cerebral palsy is unknown according to the CDC, and it is usually diagnosed by the time a child is 2 years old. It happens to be the most common motor disability in children, and parents of these children need all the support they can find. Here are some valuable tips for parents with […]

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How To Make At-Home Oral Motor Activities Fun

Girl in Speech Therapy with Mom

A child who has difficulty with the coordination of their oral muscles like the tongue, lips, and jaw will have trouble producing speech and even the ability to eat and drink. There are lots of specialized exercises to help with these problems, but exercising doesn’t sound like fun, especially for a child. So let’s call […]

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7 Ways to Establish Child Sleep Habits

children pediatric services

Sleep is crucial for people of all ages, but especially children. Establishing healthy sleep habits early on in childhood helps ensure your children feel refreshed the next day and have the energy to grow. However, getting your child to sleep can sometimes be challenging. Fortunately, there are many tips for developing sleep habits for babies […]

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Pediatric Developmental Milestone: What Should Parents Look For?

young baby laughing

All children are individuals who have their own personality, abilities, and strengths. With that understanding, there are some “normal” milestones parents and educators look for to see if a child is developing at a typical rate. Not all children will, and that is not cause for alarm, but with certain missed developmental milestones, here is […]

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7 Ways to Support Your Child in Developmental Therapy

child playing with blocks

The first few years of a child’s life are critical to their health and growth. Sometimes, speech delays, injuries and certain conditions may affect their development and physical, mental and emotional capacities. That’s where development therapy comes in to help teach essential life skills like understanding and resolving challenges, developing coping skills, making positive changes […]

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8 Great Habits For Kids To Have Early In Life

Mother Reading with Daughter

Most parents are well aware that telling children what to do and how to act is far less effective than showing them what to do and how to act. Teaching children what is a good habit early in life works best when the habit or behavior is modeled by the parents themselves. Whether the child […]

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At Home Tips to Help Your Child With ADHD

boy stacking blocks in therapy

The first tip when learning to deal with your child with ADHD is not to panic. Your whole life is not turning upside down. It may feel that way, but with some support from professionals, you can easily learn at home tips to help your child with ADHD. What Exactly Is ADHD? You may think your child […]

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