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Find the Right ABA Company & Therapist for Your Child

Mother Reading with Daughter
July 11, 2023

Choosing a provider you trust to conduct ABA therapy with your child is a significant decision. Beyond possessing the suitable qualifications and skills necessary to help your child, the ABA therapy clinic’s environment and programs can significantly impact your child’s success. What to Look for in an ABA Treatment Center When looking for an ABA […]

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Guide to Family Child Consultations and Training

child playing with letter blocks

For families of children on the autism spectrum, many parents or other caregivers ask: What do I do next? Luckily, there are numerous ways to help support your child’s growth and skill acquisition. Family training and consultation often go hand in hand with Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy. Both allow you and your family to understand how you […]

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ABA Therapy vs. Occupational Therapy

children playing with toy

If you are in the research stage of finding the right therapy for your child, getting to know more about some of the most studied and practiced approaches can help you filter through your available options. Applied behavioral analysis (ABA) and occupational therapy have shown impressive results for children with autism seeking positive influences on […]

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What to Do Following Your Child’s Autism Diagnosis

Adult with autistic child playing with letters

As a parent, you want what’s best for your child. You want them to grow up to reach their greatest potential, as well as be healthy and happy. We understand that the time after your child receives an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis can be emotional and full of new questions. Orlando Children’s Therapy is […]

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5 Ways a Toddler Can Benefit from Physical Therapy

young child in physical therapy

Parents will do everything to ensure their child’s safety throughout the many stages of the child’s development. Physical therapy has become a well-prescribed early intervention remedy for developmental challenges or deficiencies apparent at birth. Physical therapy can also significantly benefit toddlers with limited movement related to an illness, injury, disease or disability. If your child struggles with […]

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Potential Signs of a Pediatric Speech Developmental Delay

children speech therapist with child patient

Seeing your child grow and develop is one of parenthood’s truest joys. Some children move through their milestones quickly, others take longer, and some need a little extra help to master each step. Learn about pediatric language delays, common milestones for your child’s first years, and signs they might need a helping hand. What Is […]

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How to Become a Pediatric Developmental Therapist

Young child with pediatric developmental therapist

Pediatric therapists play an essential role in children’s lives as kids explore new ways to enhance their mobile, speaking or cognitive skills. Pediatric therapists undergo extensive training and schooling to provide quality service to those in need. The benefits of working in various careers in pediatric therapy carry over to the patients as they work to […]

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5 Benefits of Professional Behavioral Therapy for Children

child on mother's back laughing

Signs of developmental delays manifest during childhood and are a common hurdle for many families. Although behavior disorders and unique learning needs to impact many parts of your child and family’s daily life, options are available to help everyone adjust, manage and thrive through childhood and into adulthood. Behavior therapy is a successful treatment option, whether used alone or […]

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Guide to Becoming an Occupational Therapist

Children's occupational therapist with child patient

A career in occupational therapy can be enriching as you help patients with injuries or disabilities re-engage in meaningful, everyday activities. Occupational therapists are creative, holistic thinkers and problem-solvers who enjoy a flexible and stable career path. If you’re hoping to become an occupational therapist, you’ll need to complete a few education and licensure requirements. […]

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5 Reasons Crawling Is Important for a Child’s Development

Young child crawling on the floor

In the first few exciting months of a child’s life, parents are eager to see them learn to crawl and eventually take their first steps. Seeing a baby grow into these vital stages leads to beautiful memories crucial for the child’s pediatric development process. Crawling means more than your child getting older. This advancement in […]

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